Frequently Asked Questions
This is the title
1Can a heart arrhythmia turn deadly?
Ventricular fibrillation is a well-known life-threatening form of arrhythmiathat occurs from the erratic emission of electric impulses from the heart's lower chambers, resulting in the heart's inability to pump blood effectively, therefore, causing death.
2How do you describe sudden cardiac death?
Sudden cardiac arrest results in an unexpected death and is the most widespread form of natural death. Sudden cardiac death occurs within an hour after developing symptoms. As a result, the heart will stop beating or may work insufficiently, causing sudden death.
3Can a pacemaker correct arterial fibrillation?
A pacemaker cannot correct arterial fibrillation but instead fixes a slow heartbeat, also known as bradycardia. Bradycardia is one of the signs of arterial fibrillation, which is why a pacemaker is installed to transmit electrical impulses and fix a slow heartbeat.
4What causes an unhealthy, irregular heartbeat?
Coronary artery disease is the primary reason for an irregular heartbeat. Cardiac cells are deprived of oxygen, resulting in irregular transmission of electrical impulses, causing heart arrhythmia.
5Does a coronary angiogram hurt?
No, a local anaesthetic injected in the wrist prevents pain while the procedure is carried out. A coronary angiogram combines the use of x-ray imaging and a dye to see inside the arteries.
6Why do you need a coronary angiogram?
We perform a coronary angiogram to check for restricted blood flow to the heart due to blocked arteries. This procedure helps determine the cause of poor blood flow to the heart for you to receive treatment quickly.
7Can you treat angina conservatively?
Once your condition is stable, we will maintain your health by suggesting lifestyle changes and prescribing medication. However, unstable angina needs to be treated in the hospital. In addition, surgery may be required as well. Your doctor may recommend medication such as aspirin for blood clotting and nitrates to reduce mild angina.
8How do you treat covid-19 heart-related complications?
Some patients are stuck with the lingering after-effects of covid-19 like persistent heart problems such as chest pain, palpitations and difficulty breathing. Dr Thomas can manage your symptoms effectively after the infection has been treated. However, do not delay treatment as there is a possibility this can progress to heart failure.